Friday, April 30, 2010

ICCSD Redistricting Forum

Announcing: ICCSD Redistricting Forum

Where: Grant Wood Elementary Gym

When: May 4, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. – 8: 30 p.m.

Who: All district patrons are asked to provide feedback to the board of directors on redistricting options. The evening’s format will mirror earlier redistricting forums: whole group instructions then the collection of ideas/questions/feedback in smaller groups,

Friday, April 23, 2010

Weber Carnival Success!

A very special thank you to Lisa Kitchens and Becky Klutts, our 2010 Carnival Chairs! The carnival was a huge success, as evidenced by the SMILES on the faces of our children! Other special thank yous go out to our food, games, prizes, auction, publicity, raffle, bake walk, book walk, and ticket chairs and to Falbo Bros (Jason and Paula Caylor), Hy-Vee, Fareway, Wal-Mart, Hills Bank, University of Iowa Athletic Club and the Patel family for donating ALL of our food items! Thanks again to everyone!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Screen Free Week

Our student participation in Screen Free Week has been fantastic this week! Students have been excited to stay away from those screens and earn prizes at school, including a free homework pass, books, picnic lunch, etc... A special thank you goes out to our Screen Free Committee for planning this event. Good luck with the rest of the week!

Redistricting Updates

The final redistricting report is now up on the ICCSD website! A big thank you goes to RSP & Associates and to Mike Haverkamp, our district’s webmaster, for their assistance with this feat.

The report is titled, “Enrollment and Redistricting Report”. The main text portion of the report is separate from the many maps that are included in the report. One can pull up each map individually.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Screen Free Week

Good luck with Screen Free Week this week! See you at Pizza and Puzzle Night on Wednesday!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Redistricting Updates

At a work session on April 8, 2010, the ICCSD board of directors received a final redistricting report from RSP consultants, Rob Schwarz and Mark Porter. The 92-page “ICCSD Enrollment Report & Redistricting Report” provides information regarding the demographic and enrollment data generated by the RSP, the process used by the committee and administration in creating the scenario options, and details on scenario series “4” that the board will take into consideration. The powerpoint presentation provided by RSP consultants at the April 8 meeting is on the district website.

The presentation of the report was taped and will be rebroadcast on community channels.

Next steps for the board of directors are to:

Allot time for a redistricting work session from their April 27 board meeting
Finalize preparations for a public forum to be held on May 4, 2010
Schedule times for additional deliberation
Reach a final decision regarding future district boundaries
Develop a communication plan for the implementation of the final redistricting decision(s)

Reference copies of the Enrollment Report & Redistricting Report are available for review at the central administrative offices at 509 S. Dubuque St, Iowa City. As this is a large report with numerous colored pages/maps, we will ask patrons who wish to own a copy of the report to work with one of two selected vendors, Staples (Riverside Drive, Iowa City) and Goodfellow Printing (408 Highland Court, Iowa City). The estimated cost per copy is $36.00. When arrangements are completed, more information will be shared as to how to purchase a copy of the report by going to one of these two vendors.


Don't forget the Weber Carnival on Friday! See you there!