Friday, August 27, 2010


Hi everyone and happy FRIDAY! I have just started tweeting about Weber Elementary School. You can start following me and get Weber updates at! Have a fabulous weekend!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Get Moving for Healthy Kids 5K Run/Walk

The Get Moving for Healthy Kids 5K Run/Walk Race will be this Sunday, August 29 at 8:00 a.m. The event takes place at the West High School Track. There will be a 5K, youth mile, other races and activities with the Hawkeye Women’s Basketball team. Register on-line after July 9th at: Registration forms will also be available in the community.

First Friday Assembly

We had our first Friday all school assembly at the Council Ring on Friday. The purpose of this tradition is to celebrate the first week of school as an entire learning community, introduce new staff members, and a put faces with our entire staff. We celebrated the end of the first assembly by eating popsicles with our teams. Thank you to our PTA for providing and handing out the popsicles!

Our new staff members include:
Kristy Heffner, assistant principal
Amy Poague, paraeducator
Dennis Newell, math teacher
Kara Avis, paraeducator
Nicole Weaver, paraeducator
Jake Mangold, paraeducator

Sunday, August 15, 2010


A warm, Weber welcome goes out to all new and returning families! We are so excited about the 2010-2011 school year and can not wait to see you on Tuesday at our 6:00 p.m. Ice Cream Social. Class lists will be posted at approximately 5:00 p.m. on Monday, August 16th. See you soon!