Sunday, September 12, 2010

Common Expectations Building Wide at Weber

As part of a district wide initiative for ICCSD schools to develop procedures that help maximize instructional time and learning for all students, the Weber staff is renewing our commitment to implementing consistent and clear expectations for the common areas in our school this year. A committee of teachers is guiding the staff to revise and tweak our expectations for the hallway, lunchroom, bathroom, and assemblies. We are working to teach and periodically re-teach those expectations so that every student understands and remembers the expected behaviors in these common areas. As part of this process we have also implemented a “voice meter” as a common and consistent way to communicate to students the appropriate volume of voice in a variety of settings. Students have demonstrated a very positive response to the common language being taught through the expectations and voice meter. Don’t be surprised if your children remind you to use a level 1 or 2 voice at home!