Friday, December 9, 2011

Stuff Etc...

Weber has set up an account at the Iowa City Stuff Etc. consignment store. We will use any money that we make on the account to purchase clothing/winter wear to fill current needs for students.

The great thing is that since this is considered a charity account, you do not need an appointment to take items in, and anything that they do not accept they will just donate so you don’t have to wait around the store while they look through it.

We would really encourage you to consider taking advantage of this opportunity as you are cleaning out your closets or sorting through things to get rid of. You can just stop in the Iowa City Stuff at your convenience, tell them that the items are for the Weber Elementary account, and leave! How great is that?! AND…it will help us to meet ongoing needs of students in our school family as well, so it’s a win-win situation.

Thank you for your support of our families!