Friday, January 6, 2012

100th Day of School Food Drive!

It’s time for the annual Weber food drive!

Each year, the Weber Student Council sponsors a food drive to benefit the food bank at the Johnson County Crisis Center. This year, our goal is for each class at Weber to bring in 100 items by the 100th day of school, which will be on Thursday, January 26 (barring any snow days!)

Please consider sending items with your child(ren) to school for this project. Listed below are the “Top 10 Items” that the Crisis Center has indicated that they need. Please be sure that any items sent are non-perishable, unopened, and not past the expiration date.

1. Financial donations 6. Canned fruit
2. Canned meat 7. Pasta and rice
3. Peanut butter 8. Baby formula
4. Soups and stews 9. Diapers (esp. sz 1 or 2)
5. Canned vegetables 10. Toilet paper

Any class who can bring in at least 100 items for the food drive by the 100th day of school (January 26) will earn a Pictionary party with Mrs. Frisbie!

Thank you in advance for your help!
Weber Student Council